Puffer fish.

Pufferfish can swell into a ball shape to avoid predators. Otherwise called blowfish, these awkward swimmers fill their versatile stomachs with colossal measures of water (and once in a while air) and explode themselves to a few times their ordinary size. 

A few animal varieties additionally have spines on their skin to avert predators. Regardless of the possibility that a predator eats up a puffer before it blows up, it won't appreciate the tidbit. Most pufferfish contain a lethal substance that influences them to foul tasting and possibly destructive to other fish. The poison is savage topeople. There is sufficient toxic substance in one pufferfish to murder 30 grown-up people, and there is no known antitoxin. 

In Japan, they are called fugu and are an exceptionally costly, scrumptious treat. They are arranged just via prepared, authorized fugu cooks. Most puffers are found in tropical and subtropical sea waters, yet a few species live in saline and even crisp water. A few types of pufferfish are viewed as defenseless because of contamination, territory misfortune, and overfishing, yet most populaces are viewed as steady.

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