Oscar Fish growing tips.

Stage 1 

feed regularly. You will need to bolster your Oscar's each a few hours. On the off chance that you are stressed over them not being ravenous, an Oscar just has a memory of 13 seconds. He will recollect forget he just ate a feast. 

Stage 2 

Pick the correct sustenance. There are particular nourishments available intended to influence your Oscar to become bigger. Utilizing these dry sustenances in mix with new or solidified live nourishments like shrimp and blood worms will cause gigantic weight pick up. 

Stage 3 

Tidy up after Oscar. With the expanded nourishment allow there will undoubtedly be extra yield. Your Oscar will grimy the enclosure regularly. So as to keep the aquarium condition adjusted with sound microscopic organisms, make a point not to finish a water change over and over again.

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