Sign up for free hack tickets to TC Hackathon at VivaTech today

Are you a developer, marketer, or designer living in Europe? Do you have an idea for an app or a hardware product that’s been tickling your brain trying to escape into the real world? Then you need to get yourself and your ideas down to the Expo Porte de Versailles in Paris on May 25-26. Why? To compete in the TechCrunch Hackathon at VivaTech, mais bien sĂ»r! Get your free ticket to hack today!

There you’ll connect with hundreds of other like-minded developers, hackers, tech builders and makers to form ad-hoc teams and use BeMyApp, the official Hackathon platform, to produce something amazing.

Here’s the best part: you’ll do all this in less than 24 candy-, caffeine-, and energy-drink-fueled hours. And right when you think you can’t possibly stay awake another second, it’s time to step on stage and deliver your creation in a 60-second, rapid-fire presentation to the Hackathon judges.

It’s grueling, it’s exhausting, it’s fun. Not only do you get a chance to display your own Ninja-like hacker chops, you’ll be surrounded by other devs at the top of their game. The opportunity to share ideas, learn new skills and network is invaluable. C’est magnifique!

So, other than bragging rights and a desire for a three-day nap, what do you get for all your hard work?  The overall Hackathon winner takes home €5,000. And each team that scores a three or higher from the judges will receive five tickets to VivaTech 2019 and two Innovator tickets to TechCrunch Disrupt Berlin in November.

And of course, it’s just not a Hackathon without top-quality swag, cash prizes and other nifty goodies from our sponsors. We’ll have more details on the contests and prizes coming soon.

The only qualification for participating in TechCrunch Hackathon at VivaTech is that you must be a resident of one of these European countries. And — get this — tickets are absolutely free. There’s a limited supply, however, and once they’re gone that’s it. Quelle horreur!

So, don’t miss out. Come to TechCrunch Hackathon at VivaTech and strut your stuff. We can’t wait to see you bring your ideas to life in Paris. Get your free tickets right here.

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